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The first signs to know if you have termites in the area is to see winged, specimens with wings that seek to form their own colony. If you witness these fliers falling to the ground dying, it means that you have a termite infestation.
The termite and its famous reputation as a destroyer of structures and buildings can be very difficult to eliminate, especially if the termite mound grows very large.
The termite population is growing by leaps and bounds and every day more homes have this problem. You have the support of a pest expert, count on us!
Termites, like ants, are organized by caste, that is, each type of termite fulfills a specific function in the colony. The reason why winged termites appear is because the colony has reached a large size and has the capacity to have new sub-colonies. This type of termite appears when the cold of winter passes and the first rise in temperature comes. year, in Chile this normally occurs in September, with the heat reproduction is activated and this type of termites appear in what we call nuptial flights, with the aim of expanding their colony and giving rise to a new queen and king.
All termites, regardless of their species, are organized into castes where they all function around the queen with the main objective of expanding.
Among them we have the following organization:
If you need to exterminate termites, it is important to emphasize that a termite insecticide is not enough.
Insecticides kill the invader in front of them, however they do not eliminate the colony. The termite mound is where the termites are born, organize themselves and take care of their queen. This is where you should attack, therefore each treatment to eliminate termites is studied and requires a technical visit.
At Neoplagas we are specialists in termite control and we are constantly learning or creating new treatments to control the growth of the problem and prevent it.
Termites have a well-known reputation as destroyers of structures and have even been recorded as responsible for the collapse of homes and buildings.
Such cases only occur when there is an uncontrolled and growing population of these insects. Which can happen if the problem is not detected in time.
Termites that feed on wood (xylophagous) are sensitive and delicate insects that do not present a threat on their own, however together they can destroy any structural beam. Devouring it from the inside, all this to bring food to the queen who is dedicated to having offspring that tomorrow will be workers, soldiers or winged ones that will seek to have their own colony.
They are fast and have strong jaws that eat wood. They do not present harm to human health, but failure to treat them can seriously affect structures that could end up giving way due to the weakening of the materials produced by termites.
In Chile the most present species are Subterranean Termite, Dry Wood Termite and Wet Wood Termite. Despite all being the same species, each of these has a different appearance and behavior. Therefore, the treatment defined to eliminate a pest is different for each case.
Due to the increase in this pest throughout the country, there are more and more control companies in the field. However, not everyone has the necessary knowledge to address the problem and respond with the appropriate treatment.
As we have mentioned, our service is characterized by transparency and transmitting our knowledge to the client, since a pest is best controlled by having the collaboration of those who live in the place. Our clients learn about the pest they have and with this, they know the treatment procedure that we are going to implement.
This is how we gain the trust of thousands of clients who have trusted our service.
We are the best national company specialized in pest control, trust us and you will see the results.
At Neoplagas we are a family business with vast experience of 7 years in pest control, we fully know the pests in our country and thanks to our constant research and the training of our technicians, we always manage to find the most appropriate methodology for each plague.
Our experience tells us that pests constantly develop new behaviors and can even develop resistance to pesticides and poisons, which is why we are in a constant search to understand the behavior of an invader. For this reason, a field visit is extremely useful, where we can define the critical points of circulation, tracks and signs that are decisive in the identification of the species that is causing problems.
Every case is different and we like to see it as a challenge. According to the plague, a survey is made that defines a treatment. In each treatment we have all security measures for both our clients and our technicians. With all these steps we manage to control all pests.
Call us now and we will answer all your questions!
The first thing is to define the type of termite to eliminate, this identification is carried out through a technical visit in which the dimension of the damage to the infrastructure is also studied, what the pest covers and what methodology is the most appropriate for the treatment.
For any application it is necessary that the enclosure be vacated in this way the service is optimized.
In houses it is necessary for people to vacate the place, the methodology to perform the service is defined through a technical visit, with the collection of information the value of the service and the species to be treated are also determined.
We know that for offices the main thing is to maintain current operations, therefore we take a day when there is no interruption to activities. As in any treatment, the technical visit defines the species to be treated, the treatment to be used and the value.
Av. Sucre 2385, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +562 2979 1112
Phone: 600 361 0277
Phone: +562 2795 7822
Av. Concón Reñaca 372, Concón, Valparaíso, Chile
Phone: +562 2795 7822
Phone: +562 2795 7822
Phone: +562 2795 7822
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